Robin Gumiszobája

Friss topikok

  • snyperr: captcha FTW :S (2012.10.19. 08:34) Not so melancholy blues :D
  • Robinnnn: az túlzás, de azért köszi :) (2012.09.10. 20:56) As fast as she can
  • Robinnnn: :))) (2012.08.04. 14:57) Tréfi
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  • Robinnnn: másodjára :PPPPP azt is csak azért, mert az első próba volt... a szöveget meg tanulhatod, mer... (2012.04.21. 01:03) Robin Bueller's Day Off


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I've made it...

2012.02.07. 00:50 RobinH

After so many-many years of waiting I don't even care to count... after so many years of fantisizing about it... after all those countless hours of searching the internet, and collecting the photos to find the perfect one... after all the years of imitating the essential moves in the air with pencils, knitting needles, and whatever came my way... after all those unbelievably fucking long years of reaching the place and time in my life where I could own one... I've finally made it happen!

I was about fourteen when I started to get in to rnr music, Queen etc. And listening to the music it just happened to me. Suddenly the beats were in my head, in my chest, my arms and legs started pumping and moving to the rhythm... I guess it was some sort of destiny(?)... I worshipped those who could achieve this state in other people, they were idols to me, and for those few minutes while their songs lasted on my cheap crappy walkman or my even cheaper and crappier computer, they made me feel like I was one of them. It really became my "thing". I started to identify myself with it... "yes I am one" or at least a wannabe with a pair of sticks and red bruises on my legs - feeling shame and pity for myself for this lie.

But tonight, as a fully grown man of 28+ years, as I stood there in front of it and I shed a tear. Not crying, just a single teardrop containing all the excitement, passion, extasy and love I had for this item, that was finally there! In that single moment I felt that I was in some sort of a spiritual place, a state of mind, where I could honestly tell anyone that I'm John fucking Bonham of Zeppelin, I'm Roger fucking Taylor of Queen, I'm Keith fucking Moon of The Who, I'm Taylor fucking Hawkins of the Foo, in one moment I am all of them, I am, I am.

Today, I've finally made one of my biggest dreams come true. I'ts a feeling that everyone in this world should try to achieve. It is fucking amazing!

I own a drumkit. (now I just have to learn how to use it... xD)


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whitequeen 2012.02.07. 12:38:29

Robinnnn 2012.02.07. 17:11:28

öhmm és ez mit is jelent pontosan?

snyperr 2012.02.08. 10:27:18

grat! :) kezdd el ápolni a kapcsolatod a szomszédokkal... :D

whitequeen 2012.02.08. 10:56:28


robinnn 2012.02.08. 19:33:10

ó :) köszi!

moondream 2012.02.09. 11:51:37

zsíííííír ^^ :))))))))))
süti beállítások módosítása