Robin Gumiszobája

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I want you to

2009.11.17. 14:23 RobinH

Mostanában a novemberi letargikus, szürke, borús stb hétköznapokat megpróbálom zenével feldobni, és ez a dalocska tökéletesen alkalmas erre a feladatra. Weezer és a kimondhatatlan nevű Sara Bareilles követte el ezt a rosszkedv elleni merényletet. Tessék figyelni, hogy milyen ötletes a szöveg! Végre nem valami fájör/dizájör, tugedör/forevör rímekből építkező fos :D Azt hiszem szeretnék zenélni egy ilyen nerdy, sztk szemüveges indie bandában :) Mostanában egyre közelebb kerül hozzám ez a stílus!



The moon was shinin’ on the lake that night.
The Slayer t-shirt fit the scene just right.
Through smeared mascara, I looked into your eyes and saw a light.
You told me stories about your chickadees
They didn’t like BB guns or stupid archery.
The jumbo lifeguard, he let them use the pool all day for free.

Then the conversation stopped and I looked down at my feet.
I was next to you and you were right there next to me.
Then I said, “Girl, if you’re wondering if I want you to, I want you to.
So make the move. Cause I ain’t got all night.”

The rest of the summer was the best we ever had.
We watched Titanic and it didn’t make us sad.
I took you to Best Buy, you took me home to meet your mom and dad.
Your mom cooked meatloaf even though I don’t eat meat.
I dug you so much I took some for the team.
Your dad was silent. His eyes were fixed to what was on TV.

Then the conversation stopped and I looked down at the ring.
Your folks were next to you and you were right there next to me.
Then I said, “Girl, if you’re wondering if I want you to, I want you to.
I swear it’s true. Without you, my heart is blue.
Ooohwhoa Girl, if you’re wondering if I want you to, I want you to.
So make a move. Cause I ain’t got all night.”

So much pain may come our way.
There may come a day when we have nothing left to say.

When the conversation stops and we’re facing our defeat.
I’ll be next to you and you’ll be right there next to me.
Then I’ll say, “Girl, if you’re wondering if I want you to, I want you to.
I swear it’s true. Without you my heart is blue.
Ooohwhoa Girl, if you’re wondering if I want you to, I want you to.
So make a move. Cause I ain’t got all night.”

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moondream 2009.11.19. 21:57:39

teccik ez a szám:)

robin 2009.11.22. 23:26:01

ugye milyen jó? :D Szerintem nagyon vidám.
süti beállítások módosítása