Robin Gumiszobája

Friss topikok

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Probably me

2007.08.25. 14:24 RobinH

Ez talán az egyik legfontosabb dal az életemben. Benne van minden... Magány, kiszolgáltatottság, barátság, remény, áldozatkészség, őszinte és önzetlen szeretet.

Sting és Eric Clapton az előadók.

 If the night turned cold
And the stars looked down
And you hug yourself
On the cold cold ground
You wake the morning
In a strangers coat
No-one would you see
You ask yourself, whod watch for me?
My only friend, who could it be?
Its hard to say it
I hate to say it
But its probably me

When your bellys empty
And the hungers so real
And youre too proud to beg
And too dumb to steal
You search the city
For your only friend
No-one would you see
You ask yourself, who could it be?
A solitary voice to speak out and set me free
I hate to say it
I hate to say it
But its probably me

Youre not the easiest person I ever got to know
And its hard for us both to let our feelings show
Some would say
I should let you go your way
Youll only make me cry
If theres one guy, just one guy
Whod lay down his life for you and die
Its hard to say it
I hate to say it
But its probably me

When the worlds gone crazy, and it makes no sense
And theres only one voice that comes to your defence
And the jurys out
And your eyes search the room
And one friendly face is all you need to see
If theres one guy, just one guy
Whod lay down his life for you and die
Its hard to say it
I hate to say it
But its probably me

I hate to say it
I hate to say
But its probably me
I hate to say it
I hate to say
But its probably me
I hate to say it
I hate to say
But its probably me

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moondream 2007.08.26. 21:27:05

immmádom ezt a számot!!!!!!! Stingtől ez a másik nagy kedvencem a Fields of golddal együtt! és ugyebár a halálos fegyver.....
süti beállítások módosítása